Sabtu, 17 Desember 2011

'Monkey Love'

hey guys i have sum kinda funny story......and want to share it with ya. it's about love, but this one is kinda funny for me cause my lil cousin who got that hahaha.

let's start, so i have lil cousin his name is Arya and he got secret admirer(s)......why i put (s) on it ? cause the fact that he got more than 1 secret admirer ! how surprise is that hah !!old he just 8 years d ! GEEZZZ !! when i was 8 years old, i'm still playing with my barbie ! seriously.........oh god. i just knew from my family especially his mom that he got a letter from one of his secret admirer, kinda shock for me and i asked his mom "can i read the letter ?" and his mom said "sure ! u shud see the way the girl write please, that's really funny !!!!"

after  read the letter, i start to laugh as hard as i could !! the point of letter sounds like this "gueh suka sama luh, gue cinta mati sama luh. kalo kita jadi suami istri, luh mau apa aja gueh turutin. gueh harap luh suka sama gueh plissssssssssssssssssss. gueh mau peluk luh selamanya" i just think that, this letter made of 8 years old girl, and when she turn 15, will whe make a letter like this too ? or maybe more 'CUTE' than this ? or maybe she can add more (s) on word 'plissssssssss' so it makes her letter longer hahahaha and in that letter, there're an options......there're 4 name of girls that my lil cousin has to choose and be his girl. is this called 'Monkey Love' ?

after read that letter, i think that why i dont put it on my blog, kinda fun hahahaha. when i do with my blog things, my lil bro and lil cousin are talkin' about that girl. they figure out how to reply her letter and give it back to her, and surprisingly that her house not that far from my house ! but thank god my lil bro not interested with 'Monkey Love' things, he just too young for that. but please don't be a gay ! if my lil bro go to junior high school, he should start to date !! i will tell him to find a girlfriend ! hahahaha but the nice one.....but i think i'm not ready to accept the fact when he has a girlfie in the future :'( he's my lil lil puppet whahaha

i think only that for today, hope u like it.
see ya in my next post :)

Kamis, 08 Desember 2011

Photography and Singing

hey has been a long time hah since i posted last post. well mee me again, kinda miss my blog cause its almost 4 months...... i didn't blogging, wow how amazing is that hahaha. this time i'm gonna talk about my hobbies, for most of my friends know that my hobbies are photography and singing. lets talk about that....

here we go, lets start about singing first.
i like to sing because i it hahaha i can't give a reason why i like to sing, cause i sing since i was a lil girl even my mom told me that i start to sing........... not really sing but talk with a tone or rhythm since i was 9 months, kinda suprising and when i heard that i start to laugh. for now i listen to western's song a lot cause i can learn english from that, so when i listen to the music i start to sing even my voice is not good enough hahaha. beside that, i love to sing cause i can get the emotional from singing or even only listen to the song.

for the second one is photography.
well this is my new hobby, i didn't know that much about photography but at least i can use the camera hahaha. well i like photography because at first me as a girl love to taking a picture or in indonesia "narsis" then i try to use my friend's camera, and i just love it. then i talk to my dad to buy me that camera but for my birthday present, but my dad bought me camera a looong time before my birthday, very suprising and happy, thanks dad :* then i start to learn photograph by myself. and beside taking a picture, i learn how to make a movie with my friends, and already joining sum of the competitions and the results is not bad that we've got 3rd place for short movie competition in SMAN 8 JKT, and 1st & 3rd place for short movie competition in Bogor . i'm so happy that i can make my parents proud of me especially my dad cause of this hobby.

that's all that i can share with you guys.......
oopss...well if you want to watch our movie, you can klick this -->> enjoy it guys and dont forget leave a comment :D